The Wisdom of C. S. Lewis
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
Proverbs 9:10 NIV
and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”
~ Commonly attributed to C. S. Lewis, but actually written by Les Brown
C. S. Lewis is one of my favorite Christian authors, so I thought it would be nice to dedicate a blog post to some of his well-known quotations. I chose six to discuss that have spoken to me personally. While researching the sources for these quotes, however, I discovered that one of my favorites wasn’t actually said by him: “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream” should be attributed to Les Brown.
I love this quote, though, so I decided to include it anyway. It keeps me inspired! I think C. S. Lewis would agree. He was in his early fifties when he published the first book in The Chronicles of Narnia series. I turned 50 a few months ago, and it seems like my body has suddenly decided I need a few daily aches and pains to go along with this milestone. I keep joking with my family that I am starting to move like an old lady. But inside I still feel young and full of hopes and dreams.
“Therefore we do not lose heart.
2 Cornithians 4:16 NIV
Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”
Through the work of the Holy Spirit living inside us, we can be refreshed and renewed every day. Am I kidding myself, though? I am a grandmother now. Should I just settle into a quiet life and forget about trying new things or seeking new adventures? Absolutely not! If we are still here, then God still has work for us to do. If we let Him, He will lead us in ways we can’t even imagine, and He will give us what we need to accomplish His will for our lives. He wants us to keep dreaming big dreams, both for this life and the life to come. Randy Alcorn reminds us:
“One day we will live our dreams, with Jesus. When we’re young, we dream of becoming astronauts or athletes. As we get older, our dreams shrink and realism sinks in. When the Curse is reversed, our dreams will be revived, enhanced, and lived out. Perhaps that’s part of why childlikeness is necessary for Heaven. ‘Let the little children come to me . . . for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these’ (Matthew 19:14 NIV). ‘No longer will there be any curse’ (Revelation 22:3 NIV). The hope, the promise, the anticipation of this verse is inexpressible — it is weighty, thick with promise and joy. Let your imagination go where this verse leads you.”
Randy Alcorn, Seeing the Unseen
So I plan to keep dreaming. I plan to keep seeking God’s direction every day so that He can lead me in amazing ways and use me to accomplish His will. It’s not over until it’s over! Abraham was 75 years old when God called Him. Sarah was 90 when she gave birth to Isaac. Moses was 80 when God first spoke to him in the burning bush. God can use all of us, young or old. So let’s be open to the goals and dreams He has in mind for us.
“Even in old age they will still produce fruit;
Psalm 92:14 NLT
they will remain vital and green.”

“Courage, dear heart”
~ C. S. Lewis
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
I have this quote hanging on my bedroom wall, and it always gives me encouragement when I need it. God knows life is not easy. He knows we need Him to comfort and strengthen us when we are weary and frightened. He will give us courage and strength to persevere. We only have to ask.
“For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, Saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.'”
Isaiah 41:13 NKJV
A. B. Simpson eloquently expresses the loving comfort our heavenly Father provides:
“How tenderly God soothes our fears! . . . He does not say it only once, but He keeps holding our right hand and repeating such promises [‘Fear not . . .’]. The blessed Lord condensed it all into one single message of eternal comfort spoken to the disciples on the Sea of Galilee, It is I; be not afraid. He is the antidote to fear; He is the remedy for trouble; He is the substance and the sum of deliverance. We should, therefore, rise above fear. Let us keep our eyes fastened upon Him; let us abide continually in Him; let us be content with Him. Let us cling closely to Him.”
A. B. Simpson, My Time with God
God promises to be with us and help us, no matter what we face. He holds our hand and whispers in our ear, “Courage, dear heart.”
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9 ESV

“If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy,
the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.”
~ C. S. Lewis
Mere Christianity
When I am down or unhappy with my life, I have to remember that there is a reason I don’t feel satisfied here. We will never be fully content in this world because it is not our true home. When we find ourselves searching for joy and contentment, we need to remember that nothing will satisfy our longings except God. It’s how we are wired. He created us to desire His company and His home.
” . . . one of the greatest joys that Christian pilgrims find in this world is in those moments when it reminds them of Heaven, their true home they’ve read about and dreamed of. They live with the exhilarating assurance that at this very moment their beloved Savior is making it ready for them. The Bible tells us that we are pilgrims, strangers, aliens, and ambassadors working far from home . . . . Our citizenship is in Heaven. But often we’ve become so attached to this world that we live for the wrong kingdom. We forget our true home . . . . What we really want is the Person we were made for, Jesus, and the place we were made for, Heaven. Nothing less can satisfy us.”
Randy Alcorn, Seeing the Unseen
We were made for another world, a beautiful world full of wonders. Heaven is the home we all long for, and it is filled with the love that we all crave. We will never be completely happy until we are there in the arms of our loving Father, but we can anticipate it with joy and we can help others find their way home.
“But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior.”
Philippians 3:20 NLT

“Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done.”
~ C. S. Lewis
Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer
This quote reminds me that I must come to God every day to renew my faith and receive daily nourishment. It also reminds me that everything in my life is from Him and for Him. He created and sustains everything, including the blessings in our lives. Every day we are called to offer them and ourselves for His service. When we do this, we keep our focus where it should be: on God.
“Everything created was through Christ and His power, and furthermore, it was created for His honor. That includes everyday things today. . . . He is Lord. And that’s not simply the title of a chorus Christians sing; it’s a statement of faith. He has the right to take charge of our decisions so that He might be honored through them. Every day I live I must address that. Again, it a matter of priorities. . . . Those who are really committed to excellence give Him top priority.”
Charles Swindoll, My Time with God
God promises that when we seek Him first, He will take care of everything else.
“Desperate, I throw myself on you: you are my God!
Psalm 31:14-15 MSG
Hour by hour I place my days in your hand . . . .”

“When we Christians behave badly, or fail to behave well,
we are making Christianity unbelievable to the outside world.”
~ C. S. Lewis
Mere Christianity
This statement makes me realize the enormous responsibility we Christians have. We are called to represent Christ to the rest of the world. If we do it poorly, we do more harm than good. We all know people who have been turned off to Christ and His church because of the behavior of Christians. I am including myself in sharing the blame. I have not always acted in a manner worthy of my calling as a Christian, and this troubles me greatly. What if I not only failed to lead someone to Christ, but I actually led them away? What do I do?
I do the only thing I can do — the only thing any of us sinners can do — I confess my shortcomings to God, ask for His forgiveness, and ask Him to help me do better. It’s a constant struggle we all face. We have to be in the world without being of the world. This is not easy. No one ever said it would be. But we have the power of the Holy Spirit at our disposal to help us. God wants us to succeed, and He will give us the strength that we need.
“People living in the wreckage of this sin-stained Earth must realize that the world’s main problem is its being inhabited by people like us, sinners in need of redemption. They need us to reach out our hands and extend to them, as cold water to the thirsty, Christ’s offer of citizenship in another world, a coming eternal home.”
Randy Alcorn, Seeing the Unseen
We can’t give up. Too much is at stake. When we fall, we must ask God to help us get back up and get back to work. We must humbly ask Him to help us shine the light of Christ to the world.
“In the same way, you should be a light for other people. Live so that they will see the good things you do. Live so that they will praise your Father in heaven.”
Matthew 5:16 ICB

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the Sun has risen,
not only because I see it but because by it, I see everything else.”
~ C. S. Lewis
The Weight of Glory
This statement really resonates with me. When I live my life in the light of Christ, everything looks different. Hardships become opportunities for spiritual growth. Blessings become tools for God’s work. Everyday moments become causes to celebrate and give thanks. When I view my life the way God views it, everything makes sense. Everything is vivid and beautiful in the light of His glory. This is the light that we are called to shine to the rest of the world. Charles Swindoll gives us great advice about how we can do that:
“Servants of Christ shine with His light in a society that is hopelessly lost. . . . We pose a weird phenomenon to those in darkness. They cannot figure us out! And that is exactly as Jesus planned it. Think of some distinctive characteristics of light:
Charles Swindoll, My Time with God
~Light is silent. No noice, no big splash, no banners — light simply shines. . . .
~Light gives direction. No words, no sermon. Jesus says that others ‘see’ our actions — but nothing is said of their hearing.
~Light attracts attention. You don’t have to ask people to look at you when you turn a light on in a dark room. It happens automatically. . . .
You are a light in darkness — a servant of God who is being watched, who gives off a very distinct message . . . often with hardly a word being said. . . . Let it shine! Don’t attempt to show off how bright and sparkling you are, just shine!”
Just shine! When we keep our eyes fixed on Christ, not only do we see His glory, but we reflect it to everyone else. We begin to glow with His light. And then we are able to lead others out of the dark.
“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
John 8:12 NIV
This week’s Scripture passages focus on the wise teachings of C. S. Lewis and the other Christian authors who inspire us to live in the light of Christ. There is a printer-friendly pdf version below the image. May they help us to stay focused on God so that He can lead us into the amazing hopes and dreams He has for us!

“Some journeys take us far from home.
Some adventures lead us to our destiny.”
~ C. S. Lewis
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

- Alcorn, Randy. Seeing the Unseen, Expanded Edition: A 90-Day Devotional to Set Your Mind on Eternity. Multnomah, 2017.
- Sorenson, Amanda, and Stephen Sorenson, editors. My Time with God: 15 Minute Devotions for the Entire Year, New Century Version. Thomas Nelson Bibles, 1991.
- C. S. Lewis featured image in Public Domain from
- Open Book image by Kranich17 from Pixabay
- Chronicles of Narnia Books image by MorningbirdPhoto from Pixabay
- Mere Christianity image by drewplaysdrums from Pixabay
- C. S. Lewis with Book image in Public Domain from
- Bible image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
- Book Landscape image by Mystic Art Design from Pixabay
- Narnia Silhouettes image by jennethd1 from Pixabay