What a Friend We Have in Jesus

” . . . there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”

Proverbs 18:24 NIV

This week we continue our three-part hymn story series with “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” This hymn reminds us that when we feel alone or unloved, we can be confident that we have a Friend “who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24 NIV). Jesus knows our weaknesses, shares our sorrows, and offers us comfort and solace when we feel overwhelmed with trouble or grief. Whatever we’re facing, we have only to take it to the Lord in prayer, and He will give us everything we need.

The lyrics of this hymn are full of encouragement. They offer hope and repeatedly urge us to pray, pointing out that since Jesus is always available to us, there is no reason to live without peace or bear needless pain. The author was Joseph Scriven, and his comforting words should not be taken lightly. Here is the story behind them…

What a Friend We Have in Jesus

“A true friend loves and accepts us just as we are, stays close to us in good or in bad, and is always ready to help in time of need. Because the author of this hymn text found just such a friend in his Lord, he decided to spend his entire life showing real friendship to others.

“Joseph Scriven had wealth, education, a devoted family, and a pleasant life in his native Ireland. Then unexpected tragedy entered. On the night before Scriven’s scheduled wedding, his fiancée drowned. In his deep sorrow, Joseph realized that he could find the solace and support he needed only in his dearest friend, Jesus.

“Soon after this tragedy, Scriven dramatically changed his lifestyle. He left Ireland for Port Hope, Canada, determined to devote all of his extra time in being a friend and helper to others. He often gave away his clothing and possessions to those in need, and he worked — without pay — for anyone who needed him. Scriven became known as ‘the Good Samaritan of Port Hope.’

“When Scriven’s mother became ill in Ireland, he wrote a comforting letter to her, enclosing the words of his newly written poem with the prayer that these brief lines would remind her of a never-failing heavenly Friend. Sometime later, when Joseph Scriven himself was ill, a friend who came to call on him happened to see a copy of these words scribbled on scratch paper near his bed. The friend read the lines with interest and asked, ‘Who wrote those beautiful words?’

“‘The Lord and I did it between us,’ was Scriven’s reply.”

~Kenneth W. Osbeck

“Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God.”

1 John 4:7 NLT

Joseph Scriven knew what it meant to rely on the friendship found in Jesus. When he suffered tragedy and grief, he let Christ fill him with comfort and love, and as a result, that love spilled out to everyone else around him. May his story inspire us to do the same.

This week’s Scripture passages are based on the lyrics written by Joseph Scriven. But as Scriven pointed out, he wasn’t the only author: Jesus Himself helped to compose these words, so it would be wise for us to pay attention. The One who called us His friends and loved us enough to die in our place reminds us that we are never alone. When we reach out to Him and ask Him into our hearts, He gives us the gift of His Spirit. This means He is always with us, ready and willing to provide comfort, strength, peace, and love.

I have also included a video of the Redeemed Quartet from Indiana, USA, singing this hymn. As you listen to their beautiful harmonies, remember Who helped write the words and take comfort in knowing that He is your Friend!

“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”

John 15:13 NKJV


  • Osbeck, Kenneth W. Amazing Grace: 366 Inspiring Hymn Stories for Daily Devotions. 2nd ed., Kregel Publications, 2002.
  • “What A Friend We Have In Jesus | Official Music Video | Singing In The Country | Redeemed Quartet.” YouTube, uploaded by Redeemed Quartet, 26 February 2022, https://youtu.be/bVgfTcb_YWE.
