Plans & Alterations

“People can make all kinds of plans, but only the Lord’s plan will happen.”

Proverbs 19:21 NCV

Well, you may have noticed (again) that this is not the post I had scheduled for this week. No medical issues this time, I promise! I just finally realized, after several weeks of attempting to prove to myself otherwise, that I can’t keep up this schedule. I love my new fiction-writing blog plan, but I have discovered that it is more time consuming than my old format. And I am afraid I will start trying to rush through the posts just to “get them done” instead of taking time to let God guide me as I write.

So, I am admitting defeat! My original plan had been to post a new chapter every week. But as the verse above reminds us, we have to be willing to alter our plans if necessary, because only God’s plans will prevail. And I think He’s telling me to slow down a little. So (at least for now) I’m going to switch to plan B: Starting next week, I’m going to begin posting every other week instead of every week, and each post will include a 14-day Scripture reading/writing plan instead of a 7-day plan.

We’ll see how this goes for a while. I’m going to do my best to stay open to God’s leading on this, so I can’t guarantee what will happen. But I’m excited to see where we end up! In the meantime, here is a 7-day Scripture plan full of verses about letting God take the lead:

I have also included one of my favorite movie clips — a scene from Evan Almighty, which is a modern take on the story of Noah, in which Evan tries to explain that he has his own plans for his life… Let’s just say that God’s not buying it! I think of this scene every time I am tempted to hold on too tightly to my own plans. To his credit, Evan does come around pretty quickly. But may we all be more like the actual Noah, who Scripture says did everything just as God told him to!

“We make our own plans, but the Lord decides where we will go.”

Proverbs 16:9 CEV



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