Recap & Review: Power from God
“I’m sending you what my Father promised.
Luke 24:49 GW
Wait here in the city until you receive power from heaven.”

During the months of May through August, we are taking a break from the Awakening story to review some old posts that are related to the doctrines and topics we have been discussing. (This would also be a great time to catch up on the story if you missed any chapters: Click here for Quick Links to Chapters 1-9.) This week, I’m sharing a link to a post about what God’s power can do when we feel like our faith is stuck in the cold.
Click here to read Frozen and Waiting for Power
We can often gain valuable insight by going back and looking at something a second time. If you’re anything like me, you may be amazed at the new ways God speaks to you through an “old” passage. I plan to work on Part II of Awakening over the summer and have a new chapter ready to share on September 1. In the meantime, I hope reviewing these old posts will bless you in new ways!
- Snowflake featured image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
- Bible with Magnifying Glass image created using Midjourney Bot AI image generator,