Be Still…
“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him…”
Psalm 37:7 NIV

“Now listen, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.’ Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, ‘If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.'”
James 4:13-15 NIV
During the months of May through August, I took a break from writing the Awakening story and posted links to some old posts that are related to the doctrines and topics we have been discussing. (Click here for Quick Links to all of this year’s posts.) I had grand plans to work on Part II of my story over the summer and have a new chapter ready to post on Sep. 1. However, I should have said, If it is the Lord’s will, I will have a new chapter ready to post. Because God has made it pretty clear to me that this is not going to happen. My teaching schedule at work changed unexpectedly, giving me a much larger course load than I was anticipating. So I am finding myself with no extra time to do anything but school prep right now. And, as if to make sure I got the point, I woke up with pain in my hand from all the school work I did yesterday, making it really hard to type today. So, I am assuming God is telling me to put my blog on hold for now.
The post I had originally planned for us to review this week is called “Write Your Story,” but since it seems like I have been instructed to wait on that, instead I chose a post about waiting on God:
Click here to read What Are You Waiting For?
I’m not going to make any concrete plans right now about my blog. I do still want to finish my story! But maybe God’s telling me I’m not ready to finish it yet. Maybe He has more for me to learn before I’m ready to continue writing it. I don’t really know. So I’m going to be still and wait, and listen for God’s leading.
While I’m waiting, I may continue to share links on Facebook to some old posts, because I still think we gain new insights by revisiting things we have already read. I also believe we can learn as much, if not more, in the waiting than we do when we are actively moving. So, you won’t see any new posts on here for a while, but I have faith that this break is only temporary. Writing this blog has blessed me in ways I never could have imagined! And I pray it has blessed you as well. I am going to let God determine where we go from here.

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.”
Proverbs 16:9 NIV
When will I start writing again? My best guess right now is maybe in a year after my work load has settled back down. But only God knows for sure. I still believe I’m on the right path and He will get me up and moving again when He’s ready. In the meantime, please follow Wondertakings on Facebook for updates and links to previous posts. And please know that you are all in my thoughts in prayers. I am so grateful to everyone that has taken the time to read my little blog! Thank you for your encouragement and kind comments and for making me feel like this wasn’t just some crazy idea I had.
Even though God is calling me to pause for a bit, I don’t believe He’s telling me to stop. After all, I’ve already got a really cool ending in mind for my story! So, I’m not going to give up on it. Writing has been a dream of mine for a long time, and I feel like I’m just getting started…
“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”
Isaiah 40:31 KJV

- Heavenly Clock featured image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay
- Woman on Path images created using Midjourney Bot AI image generator,