Tag: rest

The Sound of Silence

“Do not remain silent.O Lord, do not be so far away from me.” Psalm 35:22 GW “For 400 years after Malachi’s prophecies, no prophets or leaders rose to the level of inclusion in the record of Holy Scripture. For this reason, the period is sometimes referred to as the...

They Rest from Their Labors

“You, Lord, are my shepherd. I will never be in need.You let me rest in fields of green grass.You lead me to streams of peaceful water,and you refresh my life.” Psalm 23:1-3 CEV Resting from our labors . . . Must be nice, right? It’s a pleasant thought, but we...

Hold On to Me

“Then Jesus said,‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens,and I will give you rest.'” Matthew 11:28 NLT My daughter Rebekah is the author of this week’s post, and I’m excited to share her inspiring words with you. I hope they encourage you and...